Agape Flights, Inc.

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Driving Directions:
Agape Flights is located at the Venice Municipal Airport. The hangar and offices are at the corner of Airport Ave and The Rialto.
100 Airport Ave E, Venice Florida 34285
About Us
Agape Flights is a nonprofit Christian aviation ministry delivering cargo, mail and humanitarian aid to hundreds of mission partners serving in the Caribbean. Mission flights depart weekly from Agape's hangar in Venice, Florida to Haiti, the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic, and deliver humanitarian aid into Cuba as regulations allow. Agape also speeds relief response to to disasters throughout the Caribbean.
Missionaries who live and work in some of the most challenging mission fields in the world depend on Agape's service, stateside connection, and aircraft to transport the immediate provisions they need. Living in a world where resources are few, infrastructure is sparse, and challenges are many, Agape Flights' timely deliveries of mail and supplies are vital to sustain missionary families, their ministries, and and the millions they serve.
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